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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We want to make your experience on the internet as enjoyable and rewarding as possible, and we want you to use our site with complete confidence.

We have created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy and security. This Privacy Policy describes how Pheromone Perfume and Cologne collects information from all end users of Pheromone Perfume and Colognes internet services (the "Services"), those who access some of our Services but do not make a purchase ("Visitors") as well as those who make a purchase ("Customers"); what we do with the information we collect, and the choices Visitors and Customers have concerning the collection and use of such information.

Pheromones Perfume and Cologne collects information in different ways from Visitors and customers who access the various parts of our Services. We use this information primarily to provide a customized experience as you use our Services and, do not share this information with third parties.

Data Security

The membership and purchase information you provide - including credit card information - is secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. We use this SSL technology to prevent such information from being intercepted and read as it is transmitted over the Internet. The encrypted data goes to a secure site where your information is stored on restricted-access computers located at restricted-access sites. While we make every effort to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party "hackers" from illegally obtaining this information.

Responses to Email Inquiries

When Visitors or Customers send email inquiries to Pheromones Perfume and Cologne, the return email address is used to answer the email inquiry we receive. Liquid Alchemy Labs does not use the return email address for any other purpose and does not share the return email address with any third party. Nor do we use them to advertise to you ourselves.

"Cookies" Pheromones Perfume and Cologne Uses Them

A "cookie" is a small data file that can be placed on your hard drive when you visit certain Web sites. Pheromone Perfume and Cologne may use cookies to collect, store, and sometimes track information for statistical purposes to improve the products and services we provide. If you are a Customer, we may use a cookie to save your settings and to provide customizable and personalized services. These cookies do not enable third parties to access any of your customer information. Additionally, be aware that if you visit non- Pheromone Perfume and Cologne web sites where you are prompted to log in or that are customizable, you may be required to accept cookies.

Special Cases

It is the policy of Pheromones Perfume and Cologne not to use or share the personal information about Visitors or Customers in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to prohibit such unrelated uses. However, Pheromone Perfume and Cologne may disclose personal information about Visitors or Customers, if we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including: to satisfy laws, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, regulations, or governmental or legal requests for such information; to disclose information that is necessary to operate the Services properly or to protect Pheromone Perfume and Cologne and our Members.

Public Forums

Please remember that any information you may disclose in our Discussion Forum, or other public areas of our Web sites or the internet in general, becomes public information. Please exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information in these public areas.

Revisions to This Policy

Pheromones Perfume and Cologne reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy and other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner. Notice of any revision, amendment, or modification will be posted here and will only apply to information collected after any such change.

Where to Direct Questions About the Pheromone Perfume and Cologne Favors Privacy Policy

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, contact:

Pheromones Perfume and Cologne
P.O. Box 6471
Hilo Hi 96720



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2006 Pheromones Perfume and Cologne. All rights reserved