Thank you
We appreciate your joining us. Be sure and check your email for the the final confirmation. If you don't click the link in that email you will not be on the list. So, if you are having second thoughts now is the time to run.
If you are like me you get thousands of emails per day. So, we appreciate you taking a chance with us.
We will always attempt to keep our emails to you worth receiving and to the point. We also have made it very easy to opt out should you decide to. There will be a link at the bottom of every single email we send, that will immediately stop any future emails from us.
I hope it never comes to that, as we would like very much to be your provider of fine pheromones for life. Regular old perfume and cologne are a thing of the past and you are on the cutting edge of their replacement.
We make products you will want, and we need you. So, I promise we will strive to make it a good relationship.
For immediate information on pheromones click the home button below. Or the pheromone navigation bar on the left.
Again, Thank you,
Garry Nelson

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